Here at Jasper&Pine we hope you're healthy and taking good care of yourself as well as the people around you. By now we are all aware of the severity of COVID-19, and if you’re like me, you are most likely exhausted from the anxiety of it all.
COVID-19 is a disruption affecting everyone everywhere, in our private, social, and work lives. And in these unprecedented and uncertain times, it's most important to realise we're all in this together. We have to realize the only way to win is if we band together. We must make educated and responsible choices regarding not only our personal health and safety, but the health and safety of each individual we come in contact with.
I’m sure you’ve noticed, but even if you haven’t, I have taken the site offline as a response to COVID-19. As a retailer and business owner that doesn’t offer your everyday essentials, I didn’t feel right promoting my business during these far from normal times. I know, just as many of you do as well, that providing basic needs and amenities for ourselves and those we care about is the primary focus as we navigate a “new normal” in the days ahead.
With that being said, Jasper&Pine isn’t gone for good! I still have far too many ideas and products I want to share with all of you! The current plan is to relaunch the site July 1st, “Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise,” as my Papa would say! However, as we all know, these unprecedented times are just that, and we all must adapt and change as well if necessary! I will closely monitor recommendations from WHO, the CDC, and local health officials to make the final decision on relaunch.
Stay safe, keep your distance, wash your hands, put on the damn mask, learn how to use Zoom, help others, and stay positive!
Best today and better tomorrow,
Jake Michael